Thank you for exploring ways to make a donation to All Souls’ Church.

Everything we do at All Souls’ is funded by the generous gifts of those in our congregation and community and we’d love to do more. All Souls is part of the Parish Giving Scheme, a tax efficient way to give regularly and to give one-off donations too.

1. Parish Giving

You can set up a regular payment (or a one-off) through the Parish Giving Scheme; click on the image below to be taken through to our dedicated church giving page. All your payments go to the church, and Gift Aid can be added automatically if you choose. This is by far the best way to give, as no administrative load on the church is required

2. Just Giving

If you would like any more information, or would like to submit a Gift Aid form to accompany a donation via bank transfer, please contact our administrator:

4. BACS or Cheque

You can make a direct payment to the All Souls bank account. If you choose this option and would like us to claim Gift Aid, please contact or you can download a Gift Aid Form below

If paying by BACS, please use the following details:

If you would prefer to make a one off donation directly, our bank details are:

Barclays Bank

Sort Code: 20-02-53

Account Number: 90113077