Opportunities to get involved

There are lots of ways in which you can get involved in the life of St Michael’s. Please consider whether any of the following are right for you and talk with one of our team more information.

School Assembly Team: If you are interested in helping to deliver assemblies in Cheapside and/or St Michael's Primary Schools during the school day, do get in touch sarah@ssaparish.org

Youth Activities: We are creating a team to enable us to continue to build our programme of youth events www.ssaparish.org/youth[http://www.ssaparish.org/youth] Please contact me if this is something you might get involved with.

Magazine distribution co-ordinator and distributors: As well as more volunteers to take the magazines to the street, we are looking for someone to coordinate this role and be part of the magazine editorial team. This is a really significant role in helping the magazine thrive. Please contact Mike Cross: mike@mike-cross.me.uk

Vergers: Assist the minister during Life Even services. For Weddings and Funerals this is a paid role. Please contact the office for more info.

Fund raising and events: Our church relies significantly on fundraising and we love bringing people together in various events. Could you help coordinate an event this year?

Handyman/woman: We are looking for a kind and reliable individual who would be available to complete odd jobs around St Michael’s and All Souls’ Churches. If you have experience and could offer some of your time to help us we’d really love to hear from you. Please contact Nicola at St Michael’s Church for more info: admin@ssaparish.org

Baptism Co-ordinator: A very rewarding role being the first port of call for our baptism enquiries.

Family Service Helpers: We’re looking to refresh our family service rotas, would you and your family like to help with any of our Welcome / Play / Intercessions or Coffee.